Research Studies

  1. Boskey ER, **Telsch KM, Whaley KJ, Moench TR, and Cone RA. (1999) Acid production by vaginal flora in vitro is consistent with the rate and extent of vaginal acidification. Infect Immun. 67(10):5170-5 
  2. Boskey ER, Cone RA, Whaley KJ, and Moench TR. (2001) Origins of vaginal acidity: High D/L lactate ratio is consistent with bacteria being the primary source. Hum Reprod. 16(9): 1809-13
  3. Boskey ER, Moench TR, Hees PS, and Cone RA. (2003) A self-sampling method to obtain large volumes of undiluted cervicovaginal secretions. Sex Trans Dis. 30(2): 107-9
  4. Boskey ER, Atherly-Trim SA, O’Campo PJ, Strobino DM, Misra DP. (2004) Acceptability of a self-sampling technique to collect vaginal smears for Gram stain diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis.  Women’s Health Issues. 14(1):14-18
  5. Gourion-Arsiquaud S, Faibish D, Myers E, Spevak L, Compston J, Hodsman A, Boskey ER, Shane E, Recker RR Boskey AL. (2009) Use of FTIR spectroscopic imaging to identify parameters associated with fragility fracture. J Bone Miner Res. 24(9):1565-71. 
  6. Boskey AL, Donnelly E, Boskey E, Spevak L, Ma Y, Zhang W, Lappe J, Recker RR. (2016) Examining the relationships between bone tissue composition, compositional heterogeneity, and fragility fracture: A matched case-controlled FTIRI study.  J Bone Miner Res. 31(5):1070-81. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.2759.
  7. Almazan A, Boskey ER, Labow B, Ganor O (2019) Insurance policy trends for breast surgery in cisgender women, cisgender men, and transgender men.  Plast Reconstr Surg 144(2):334e-336e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000005852
  8. Boskey ER, Taghinia AH, Ganor O (2019) Self-assessment of clinical competence with LGBT patients at a pediatric hospital.  Soc Work Health Care. 58(6)547-56.  doi: 10.1080/00981389.2019.1588189
  9. Ganor O, Taghinia AH, Diamond DA, Boskey ER (2019) Piloting a genital affirmation surgical priorities scale for transmasculine patients. Transgend Health. 4(1):270-6.
  10. Boskey ER, Ganor O (2019) Women’s college admissions and retention policies pertaining to transgender students: a comprehensive analysis.  J LGBT Youth. 17(4): 453-471 doi: 10.1080/19361653.2019.1685424
  11. Boskey ER, Jolly D, Tabaac AR, Ganor O (2020) Behavioral health concerns and eligibility factors in adolescents and young adults seeking gender-affirming masculinizing top surgery.  LGBT Health. 7(4). doi:10.1089/lgbt.2019.0213
  12. Grimstad FW, Boskey ER, Grey M, (2020) New onset abdominopelvic pain after initiation of testosterone therapy in trans-masculine persons: A community-based exploratory survey.  LGBT Health.  7(5):248-253. doi10.1089/lgbt.2019.0258
  13. Almazan AN, Benson TA, Boskey ER, Ganor O (2020) Associations between transgender exclusion prohibitions and insurance coverage of gender-affirming surgery.  LGBT Health. 7(5):254-63. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2019.0212
  14. Benson TA, Boskey ER, Ganor O (2020) The effect of forearm tattoos on flap choice in transmasculine phalloplasty patients.  MDM Policy & Pract. 5(1):2381468320938740 doi: 10.1177/2381468320938740
  15. Tabaac, AR, Jolly D, Boskey ER, Ganor O (2020) Barriers to gender-affirming surgery consultations in a sample of transmasculine patients in Boston, Mass.  Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 8(8):e3008 doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000003008.
  16. Dagi AF, Boskey ER, Nuzzi LC, Kang CO, Ganor O, Labow B, Taghinia AH. (2021) Legislation, market size, and access to gender-affirming genital surgery in the United States.  Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 9:e3422  doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003422
  17. Ross AM, Schneider S, Muneton-Castano YF, Caldas AA, & Boskey ER (2021) You never stop being a social worker:  Experiences of pediatric hospital social workers during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Soc Work Health Care. doi: 10.1080/00981389.2021.1885565
  18. Boskey ER & Ganor O (2021) Sexual orientation and attraction in a cohort of transmasculine adolescents and young adults. Transgend Health.doi: 10.1089/trgh.2020.0190
  19. Grimstad FW, Kremen J, Shim J, Charlton BM, Boskey ER. (2021) Breakthrough bleeding in transgender and gender diverse adolescents and young adults on long-term testosterone. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 34(5): 706-16. doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2021.04.004
  20. Katz-Wise SL, Boskey ER, Godwin EG, Thomson K, Post J, and Gordon AR (2021) We’re moving in the right direction. still a long way to go: Experiences and perceptions of the climate for LGBTQ+ employees at a pediatric hospital. J Homosex. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2021.1938468
  21. Mehra G, Boskey ER, Ganor O (2021) The Quality and Utility of Referral Letters for Gender-Affirming Surgery. Transgend Health. doi:10.1089/trgh.2021.0057
  22. Kim CF, Jou D, Boskey E, Kozakewich HPW, and Vargas SO (2021) Prostatic metaplasia and pilar differentiation in gender-affirming mastectomy specimens. Mod Pathol. doi: 10.1038/s41379-021-00951-2
  23. Kang CO, Kim E, **Cuccolo N, **Luther L, Veeramani A, Boskey ER,  Lee B, Taghinia A, Ganor O (2022) A critical assessment of the transgender health care workforce in the United States and the capacity to deliver gender affirming bottom surgery (GABS). Ann Plas Surg. 89:100-4. doi:10.1097/SAP.0000000000003113
  24. Ganor O, Almazan AN, Boskey ER (2022) Reported pain in cisgender female and transmasculine patients seeking benign breast surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 10(2):e4140doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004140
  25. Schneider S, Ross AM, Boskey ER (2022) “‘We are essential:’ Pediatric health care social workers’ perspectives on being designated essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Soc Work Health Care. doi: 10.1080/00981389.2022.2028696
  26. Aquino NJ, Boskey ER, Staffa SJ, Ganor O, Crest AW, Gemmill KV, Cravero JP, Vlassakova B (2022) “A Single Center Case Series of Gender Affirming Surgeries and the Evolution of a Specialty Anesthesia Team.” J Clin Med. 11(7): 1943.  doi:10.3390/jcm11071943
  27. Rahman R, Huysman C, Ross AM, Boskey ER (2022) “Intimate partner violence and the COVID-19 pandemic.” Pediatrics. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-055792
  28. Ross AM, Schneider S, Boskey ER (2022)  ‘We are not taking a backseat:’ Health social workers’ perspectives on COVID-19 response and recovery. Health Soc Work.  doi: 10.1093/hsw/hlac025
  29. Boskey ER, **Mehra G, Jolly D, Ganor O (2022) “Concerns about internal erectile prostheses among transgender men who have undergone phalloplasty” J Sex Med. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2022.03.604.
  30. Mehra G, Boskey ER, Peters CJ, Njubigbo C, Charlton BM, Ganor O  (2022) “Assessing fertility intentions in patients presenting for gender-affirming surgery” LGBT Health. doi: 10.1089/lgbt.2021.0148
  31. Tabaac AR, Chwa C, Sutter ME, Missmer SA, Boskey ER, Austin SB, Grimstad F, Charlton BM (2022) “Prevalence of chronic pelvic pain by sexual orientation in a large cohort of young women in the United States” J Sex Med. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2022.03.606
  32. Garbocauskas G, McCabe E, Boskey ER, Grimstad FW (2022). “Family building perspectives of assigned female at birth transgender and gender diverse adolescents seeking testosterone gender-affirming hormone therapy”. LGBT Health. doi: 10.1089/lgbt.2022.0004
  33. Boskey ER, Jolly D, Mehra G, Ganor O (2022). Feasibility of an external erectile prosthesis for transgender men who have undergone phalloplasty.” Sex Med. doi: 10.1016/j.esxm.2022.100560
  34. Garbocauskas G, Boskey ER, Guss CE, Grimstad FW (2022). “Retrospective review of sexual and reproductive health conversations during initial visits of adolescents seeking gender affirming testosterone “. J Ped Adol Gyn. doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2022.09.004
  35. McKenna JL, Wang Y-C, Williams CR, McGregor K, Boskey ER (2022) “’You can’t be deadnamed in a video game’: Transgender and gender diverse adolescents’ use of video game avatar creation for gender-affirmation and exploration.” J LGBT Youth. doi: 10.1080/19361653.2022.2144583
  36. McKenna J., Ross AM, Boskey E. (2022). “’Band-Aids on Bullet Holes’: Experiences of pediatric hospital social workers after 1 year of the COVID-19 pandemic.” Qual Soc Work. doi: 10.1177/14733250221144050
  37. Rezai S, Boskey ER, Ganor O (2023) “Body mass index and benign breast surgeries: a survey of plastic surgeons’ knowledge and attitudes” JPRAS Open. doi: 10.1016/j.jpra.2023.02.001
  38. Boskey ER, Jolly D, Kant JD, Ganor O (2023) “Prospective evaluation of psychosocial changes after chest reconstruction in transmasculine and non-binary youth.” J Adol Heal. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.04.029
  39. Martinez J, Hijaz B, Subedi S, Boskey ER, Ganor O(2023) “Patient and Parents Perspectives on the Utility of Telemedicine for Initial Surgical Gender Care Consultations: A Cross-sectional Survey” Digital Health. Accepted Manuscript
  40. Boskey ER, Quint M, Xu R, Kremen J, Estrada C, Tham R, Kane K, Reisner SL (2023) “Survey: Gender Affirmation-Related Information Seeking Behaviors in a Diverse Sample of Transgender and Gender Diverse Young Adults” JMIR Formative Res. Accepted Manuscript

Other Peer Reviewed Scholarship

  1. Boskey ER (2005) Alternative treatments for bacterial vaginosis: A literature review and acceptability survey. Altern Ther Health Med. 11(5):38-43
  2. Boskey E (2014) Understanding transgender identity development in childhood and adolescence.  Am J Sex Ed. 9(4): 445-63 doi:10.1080/15546128.2014.973131
  3. Boskey ER, Taghinia AT, Ganor O. (2018) Public accommodation laws and gender panic in the inpatient setting.  AMA J Ethics. 20(11):E1067-1074 doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2018.1067.
  4. Ganor O & Boskey ER (2018) Submitting appropriately for breast surgery in transmasculine patients.  Plast Reconstr Surg. 143(1):254e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000005159.
  5. Boskey ER, Taghinia AT, Ganor O (2019) The surgical risk of exogenous hormone use in transgender patients: A systematic review. JAMA Surgery. 154(2):159-69 doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2018.4598
  6. Boskey ER & Marron JM (2019) Identification before prescription: Necessary changes for the support of transgender youth. Am J Bioeth. 19(2):78-80. doi:10.1080/15265161.2018.1557290
  7. Boskey ER, Jolly D, Semnack M, Tobias A, Ganor O (2019) Congruence isn’t cosmetic: Denials of nipple grafts for chest reconstruction surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 7(4): e2145. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002145
  8. Boskey ER, Johnson J, Harrison C, Marron JM, Abecassis L, Scobie-Carroll A, Willard J, Diamond DA, Taghinia AH, Ganor O (2019) Ethical issues considered when establishing a pediatric gender surgery center. Pediatrics. 143(6):pii:e20183503. doi:10.1542/peds.2018-3053
  9. Cuccolo NG, Kang CO, Boskey ER, Ibrahim AMS, Blankensteijn LL, Taghinia A, Lee BT, Lin SJ, Ganor O. (2019) Mastectomy in transgender and cisgender patients: A comparative analysis of demographic characteristics and postoperative outcomes. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 7(6):e2316  doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002316
  10. Cuccolo NG, Kang CO, Boskey ER, Ibrahim AMS, Blankensteijn LL, Taghinia A, Lee BT, Lin SJ, Ganor O. (2019) Masculinizing chest reconstruction in transgender and nonbinary individuals: An analysis of epidemiology, surgical technique, and postoperative outcomes  Aesth Plas Surg. doi: 10.1007/s00266-019-01479-2
  11. Cuccolo NG, Kang CO, Boskey ER, Ibrahim AMS, Blankensteijn LL, Taghinia AH, Lee BY, Lin SJ, Ganor O. (2019) Augmentation mammoplasty in transgender and cisgender patients: An analysis of patient demographics and postoperative outcomes.  Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 7(10):e2461 doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002461
  12. Grimstad F, Boskey ER (2020) Shared decision making in adolescent gender surgery—shouldering the burden of ambiguity. AMA J Ethics. 22(5)E452-7. doi:10.1001/amajethics.2020.452
  13. Grimstad F, Boskey ER (2020) Empowering transmasculine youth by enhancing reproductive health counseling in the primary care setting. J Adolesc Health. 66(6):653-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.03.012
  14. Jolly D, Wu C, Boskey ER, Taghinia AH, Diamond DA, Ganor O (2021) Is clitoral release another term for metoidioplasty? A systematic review and meta-analysis of metoidioplasty surgical technique and outcomes. Sex Med. 9(1):100294.doi: 10.1016/j.esxm.2020.100294
  15. Mehra G**, Kaufman-Goldbert T, Meshulam-Derason S, Boskey ER, Ganor O (2021) Use of the subfascial plane for gender-affirming breast augmentation: A case series. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003362.
  16. Grimstad FW, Boskey ER, Taghinia AH, Ganor O (2021) Gender affirming surgeries in transgender and gender diverse adolescent and young adults: A pediatric and adolescent gynecology primer. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 34(4):442-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2021.03.014
  17. Grimstad FW, Boskey ER, Taghinia AH, Estrada CR, Ganor O (2021) The role of androgens on the clitorophallus and possible applications to transgender patients. Andrology. 9(6): 1719-28.doi: 10.1111/andr.13016
  18. Jolly D, Boskey ER, Thomson KA, Tabaac AR, Burns MTS, Katz-Wise SL. (2021) Why are you asking? Sexual orientation and gender identity assessment in clinical care. J Adolesc Health. 69(6):891-893 (denotes co-first authors) doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.08.015
  19. Ganor O, Jolly D, Boskey ER. (2022) Nonsensical coding of gender-affirming procedures: A need for transgender-specific procedure codes. J Am Coll Surg.234(2):250-1. doi: 10.1097/XCS.0000000000000015
  20. Wu CA, Jolly D, Boskey ER, Ganor O. (2022) “A systematic review of staging and flap choice in gender-affirming phalloplasty” J Reconstr Microsurg Open. Accepted Manuscript
  21. Ganor O, Jolly D, Wu CA, Boskey ER. (2022) “Can gender-affirming surgeries be safely combined? An NSQIP analysis of 30-day outcomes and case planning factors.” J Plas Reconstr Aesthet Surg. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2022.04.004
  22. Jolly D, Boskey ER, Ganor O (2022) “Racial Disparities in the 30-Day Outcomes of Gender-Affirming Chest Surgeries” Ann Surg. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000005512.
  23. Grimstad FW, Barerra M, Boskey ER (2022) “Young adult patients with testosterone management concerns after gender-affirming hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy: A case series” J Ped Adol Gyn. doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2022.07.010
  24. Kant JD, Boskey ER (2022) “The role of social work and social welfare in the current crisis facing trans youth in the United States.” Crit Radic Soc Work doi: 10.1332/204986022X16629691345780.
  25. Robinson IS, Carswell JM, Boskey ER, Agarwal CA, Brassard P, Belanger M, Zhao LC, Bluebond-Langer R (2022) “Gender surgery in adolescents and young adults: a review of ethical and surgical considerations” Plas Recon Surg. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000010325. 
  26. Boskey ER, Kant JD (2023) “Unreasonable Expectations: A Call for Training and Educational Transparency in Gender-affirming surgery”. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 11:e4374 doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004734
  27. Grimstad FW, Kremen J, Boskey ER, Wegner H (2023) “How Should Clinicians Navigate Decision-Making About Genital Reconstructive Surgeries Among Intersex and Transgender Populations?” AMA J Ethics. 25(6):E437-45. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2023.437.
  28. Saxena N, Jolly D, Wu CA, Boskey ER, Ganor O (2023) “Comparing Scrotoplasty Complication Rates in Transgender and Cisgender Men: An ACS NSQIP Study” JPRAS Open. doi: 10.1016/j.jpra.2023.03.003
  29. Boskey ER, Jolly D (2023) “Re: Haley et al., Determining the Sex Assigned at Birth of Transgender and Nonbinary Populations in Administrative Claims Databases Utilizing Diagnostic and Procedure Codes (From: Haley C, Tilea A, Stroumsa D, et al. Transgender Health 2023;8(2):130-136;” Transgender Health. Accepted Manuscript.

Reviews, Chapters, & Editorials

  1. Boskey, ER (2012) Sexually transmitted diseases in HK Anheier & M Juergensmeyer (Ed.) Encyclopedia of global studies. SAGE Publications
  2. Boskey E (August 2013) Sexuality in the DSM 5: Research, relevance, and reaction. Contemp. Sex. 47(7):1-5
  3. Boskey E (October 2013) Social and medical transitioning options for gender non-conforming children. Contemp Sex. 47(9):1-6
  4. Boskey E (June 2015) Spirituality and sexuality – when religious clients present for sex therapy.  Contemp Sex. Online.  
  5. Boskey, ER (2019) Transgender youth in S Hupp & JD Jewell (Ed.) The encyclopedia of child and adolescent development. Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781119171492.wecad481
  6. Boskey ER (2021) 5-alpha reductase deficiency in HL Armstrong (Ed.) Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: understanding biology, psychology, and culture. ABC-CLIO.
  7. Boskey ER (2021) Androgen insensitivity syndrome in HL Armstrong (Ed.) Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: understanding biology, psychology, and culture. ABC-CLIO.
  8. Boskey ER (2021) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia in HL Armstrong (Ed.)  Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: understanding biology, psychology, and culture. ABC-CLIO.
  9. Boskey, ER (2021) Gender affirming surgery: Men, bottom in A Goldberg & G Beemyn (Ed.) Encyclopedia of transgender studies. SAGE Publications
  10. Boskey, ER (2021) Gender affirming surgery: Men, top in A Goldberg & G Beemyn (Ed.) Encyclopedia of transgender studies. SAGE Publications
  11. Boskey, ER & Klein, P (2021) Gender affirming surgery: Women in A Goldberg & G Beemyn (Ed.) Encyclopedia of transgender studies. SAGE Publications
  12. Fitos, M & Boskey, ER (2021) Substance use in A Goldberg & G Beemyn (Ed.) Encyclopedia of transgender studies. SAGE Publications
  13. Aquino NJ, Ganor O, Chrisos HA, **Oles N, Boskey ER (2021) Perioperative issues with gender diverse youth. J Pediatr Surg Nurs. 10(1): 23-31. doi: 10.1097/JPS.0000000000000282
  14. Oles N, Ganor O, Aquino NJ, Boskey ER (2021) Surgical affirmation for gender diverse youth. J Pediatr Surg Nurs. 10(1): 32-39. doi: 10.1097/JPS.0000000000000279
  15. Grimstad FW, Boskey ER (2022) “More Than Abortion: How Attacks on Privacy Threaten Gynecology” Gynecol Surg. doi: 10.1089/gyn.2022.29005.commentary
  16. Grimstad FW, Boskey ER,  Kremen J (2022). “Inclusion is not erasure: anti-trans discourse reinforces attacks on reproductive rights.” Contemp Gyn. 67(9).
  17. Boskey, ER (2023) Health disparities, trans people in A Goldberg, G Beemyn, & E Boskey (Eds.) Encyclopedia of LGBTQ studies, 2nd edition. SAGE Publications. Accepted Manuscript.
  18. Boskey, ER (2023) Substance abuse/dependence and trans people in A Goldberg, G Beemyn, & E Boskey (Eds.) Encyclopedia of LGBTQ studies, 2nd edition. SAGE Publications  Accepted Manuscript.